The CADE Clinic is not an emergency service.

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The CADE Clinic

The Clinic provides clinical advice regarding the diagnoses and management of mood disorders in adolescents and adults (aged 16 - 65 years) with Depression and Bipolar Disorder.

This involves a one-off clinical assessment which aims to:

  • Clarify your mood disorder diagnosis

  • Provide advice in the form of a second opinion to your referring doctor to better manage your medication and treatment.

Please note, we are unable to provide assessments for legal purposes, insurance determinations, Centrelink claims or academic exemptions. Patients must be residents of New South Wales.

When is the clinic held?

The Clinic operates two mornings a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Where is the clinic located?


The CADE Clinic is located on the 3rd floor of the main building in Royal North Shore Hospital, near the link to the Clinical Services Building. The clinic is situated within the Department of Academic Psychiatry alongside Consultation Liaison and Eating Disorder Services. A map of our location within the hospital can be downloaded here.

Who will you see?

The CADE Clinic provides a multidisciplinary assessment involving specialists (Psychiatrists and Psychologists) and you may also be seen by researchers and medical staff in training. You will be advised of your schedule at the time of your appointment.

How to make an appointment at the CADE Clinic

1. Ask your doctor to complete the Referral Form

2. Email completed Referral Form and supporting documentation to:

3. Once the referral and supporting documentation is received, you will be contacted and our team will work with you to arrange a time and day for assessment.

Please note: if sufficient details are not provided in the referral form, it will delay and may even prevent the clinic from being able to assess your suitability. This may result in the clinic being unable to offer an appointment. 

Before your appointment:

After you have confirmed your appointment via email, you will be sent a link to a set of questionnaires for you to complete prior to your appointment.

What to expect on the day:

Consultations are bulk-billed by Medicare. You must have a valid Medicare card and bring this along to your appointment. Failure to do so will result in your appointment being cancelled.

Assessments are comprehensive and may take several hours.

Assessments may also include:

  • A blood test 

  • Psychological questionnaires that will assist with confirming your diagnosis.

Your appointment at the CADE Clinic will give you a refined diagnosis, management suggestions (concerning medications and psychological treatment) and advice. The Clinic will write to your referring doctor following the consultation, outlining suggested management and treatment options.

If you have further questions, please contact the clinic here: